
Use -S opencl:auto to enable it.įabulousPanda also hosts an online arcade of free games, including soduko, 2048 and hextris. Opencl: GPU mining is now disabled by default for scrypt. Opencl: Workaround broken global work offset support in buggy drivers. Keccak: Support for the SHA-3 winner hash as a proof-of-work algorithm. Titan: Work flushing optimisations from KnCMiner, and reduce processor view from per-core to per-die. Minion: New driver for BlackArrow Prospero X1.5. Kncasic: New driver for KnCMiner Neptune (and 2nd-gen Jupiter modules). RPC: Also extended for multiple mining goals/algorithms. These extensions are considered draft and may be changed based on the needs of multiblockchain pool operators. Stratum extensions for mining goals: New experimental methods mining.capabilities and t_goal for Stratum allow you to expose control of the mining algorithm to the pool. Note that at this time, only CPU, OpenCL, and Proxy drivers actually support multiple algorithms at the same time (DualMiner must be preconfigured for only one, and GridSeed remains scrypt-only). As with multi-blockchain support, this works even in balancing strategies. Multi-algorithm support: BFGMiner is now capable of hashing on both scrypt and SHA256d work at the same time, and you can assign the mining algorithm to use on a per-goal basis.


This allows you to mine multiple cryptocurrencies concurrently using any pool strategy (including balance and load-balance).


Multi-blockchain support: BFGMiner can now be told which pools use the same "mining goals", and will track the blockchain independently for ones that don't. Openwrt: Binary packages for 15.05 "Chaos Calmer".įix 2D work support for GBT servers (requires libblkmaker 0.5.3 or newer). Please support FabulousPanda by checking out our latest creation:įix some possible edge case problems with stratum proxying (-stratum-port).


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